Eurythmy therapy lecture
Road to Steiner Psychiatry
■ Author: Rudolf Steiner (supervised by Kuniriki Kobayashi)
■ Translation: Kimiko Ishikawa Mieko Nakatani Yumiko Kaneko
■ Publisher name: Ryofu Shorin
【Product introduction】
All physiological processes of human organisms
It corresponds to the disassembly process and the build process. These two processes
Ultimately, in the morphogenesis of all organs and organ systems, it forms a "balance in the flow" called health.
The "flow form" that forms this form is the basis of eurythmy therapy.
Eurythmy imitates this.
Michaela Greckler (from the preface)
By letting your child eurythmy, we can encourage the child's growth potential.
For adults, the organisms inside are more than we can grow it.
You will receive too much resistance. Nevertheless, we bring the power of growth to this internal organism, and as a result, the power of growth collides violently with the resistance of the organism, thereby transforming it.
In other words, growth potential is in this transformed state.
It activates the sculptural power of the internal organs. (From the text)
A new modern therapy called eurythmy therapy
For modern obstacles caused by being oriented towards technological civilization
How it works effectively ...
Presenting the beginning of Steiner's last years of eurythmy therapy,
Lectures given for doctors and therapists
Our larynx is eurythmy.
The eurythmy, who has a clear eurythmy as the etheric body of the larynx, is actually in us. (From the text)
【Registration information】
Plate type: 152 x 211 mm 176 pages
Publication date: November 29, 2014 First edition first edition issued
ISBN: 978-4-903865-31-7
【table of contents】
Preface Michaela Greckler
Lecture 1 The relationship between eurythmy's health and therapeutic elements to educational and educational methodological and artistic elements. The human larynx and its metamorphose. The ethereal second human larynx in humans. Forebrain and thyroid. Laryngeal eurythmy in speaking and singing. Resting state of the head and rhythm Human dynamics. Rhythms and irregular rhythms in relation to thought. Logic, prose and poetry in relation to the true nature of humanity. One is to move forward and the other is to move backward. The connection between the two systems can easily be separated. Practice of Iambos <Yambus> and Trochaios <Troheus>. The relationship between the movement of the limbs and the way of thinking. Write with your feet. IAO practice. What is felt inside the limbs as the essence of eurythmy movement. Hara at the crossroads of the visual axis-E. Health and therapeutic eurythmy in groups. The morphology of organs and the form of movement.
Second lecture Features of vowels and consonants. The close connection between language and movement in the early days of human development and the loose connection today. Bringing the body back to movement through eurythmy. Guide the eurythmy vowels A, E, I, O, U to therapeutic applications. Indications for each vowel and general vowels. Arm and leg movements in vowel practice "Capture yourself internally", which has an effect on the therapeutic consonant eurythmy. M, S, H in the relationship between Lucifer and Ahriman
Confrontation with the outside world in the consonantization of the third lecture language. Self-reliance through inner activity in vowels. Three classification principles for eurythmy consonant formation-1. 2. "Coloring" by vowels when pronouncing each consonant. 2. Consonant speech process (blowing sound, collision sound, trembling sound, wavy sound or swelling sound) and antipolarity in the movement of eurythmy. Labial consonants, alveolar consonants, consonants as palatal consonants, and mutual changes based on these three classification principles. The course of linguistic physiology in the pronunciation of vowels A, E, I, O, U and its opposite action in the application of therapeutic eurythmy. Will movement and thought movement. The function of the image of words lost due to the intellect as the internal cause of illness. Onset by civilization and cure by eurythmy.
Lecture 4 Vowel rhythm Direct action on organisms and metabolism of consonants ・ Action through limb organisms. Metamorphose and its effects on eurythmy therapy of consonants, B / P, D / T, G / K / Q, S, F, R, L, H, M, N, Sch. The relationship between the motor system and the metabolic system. Eurythmy as a soul-filled gymnastics. Before practicing the vowels of eurythmy therapy, pronounce the relevant vowels yourself. To listen spiritually and spiritually to what was done as a movement after practice. Bringing life and movement to the human etheric body. The movement of R and its educational and educational methodological application. Work to bring harmony and balance to the overpowering effects of treatment.
Lecture 5 Eurythmy practice that works from the soul to the entire constitution of the organism via the etheric body-affirmation and denial (expression of judgment), empathy and antipathy (expression of will), E of love, hope U, B for migraines, R for rhythm, M for shaking head (M for lower abdominal pain), E for dexterity, E on the floor, O on the floor, H- for laughter A, awe-inspiring AH. To make the etheric body flexible. Educational / educational methodological, health / therapeutic application of this practice. Physiological gymnastics as a school of materialism and the utility of eurythmy for human self-awareness and self-control. Question-and-answer session. Instructions on the combination of exercises and the duration of application.
Lecture 6 A consideration of "Eurythmy's physiology", that is, "Physiology directed to spiritual things in the first place", based on the poem of Goethe's "Mountain Tops". Listening-Similar to sleep, similar to Imagina Zion. The movement of the etheric body of a sleeping or listening human. Eurythmy as established through the movement of the body. Activation of growth ability in children and youthful ability in adults. The action of vowels on the rhythmic organs of eurythmy therapy. Listening to consonants and the resulting tension and sedation. The figurative effect of consonant eurythmy on the head mechanism. Digestive activity as a metabolic activity that develops into a rhythmic one. Human will activity. The power of "egoism" for human organisms. Crystallization and sculptural effects of organs. Spiritual and material activities. Alternating vowels and consonants of eurythmy with rhythm. The action of vowels and consonants on the human aura.
History and Meaning of "Eurythmy Therapy Lecture" From "Recollections on the Birth of Eurythmy Therapy" Erna Van Deventer Wolfram "Eurythmy Therapy Lecture" 2nd Edition Preface Elizabeth Baumann "Eurythmy Therapy Lecture" 2nd Edition From the Preface Isabella de Jaguar
Haraki Adachi Translator's Postscript for the publication of the Japanese version